Lough Hyne, West Cork
June 2011
Lough Hyne is Ireland’s first marine nature reserve and a lovely place to swim into the bargain.
This lake is home to over 1000 underwater plant species along with a number of rare fish. The water is clear, fresh, salty and perfect for swimming. When we were there a number of wet suited swimmers were doing distance swims, so it’s clearly a place where swimmers congregate. The lake is surrounded by woodland so as you swim out into its clear waters you have a calming, tranquil view.
Access to the water is via a slipway or you can get in off a low wall.
There are places to park across from the lake along with a couple of picnic tables.
From Skibbereen take the R595 toward Baltimore and after a few kilometres watch out for a left turn signposted for Lough Hyne
Ordnance Survey Map No; 89